Friday, January 7, 2005

Back at home safe and sound!

Ahhhh....  Home sweet home!  There's no place like it, even if it is my apartment!

After spending a day and a half stuck in Buffalo, it was nice to return to my apartment to find everything just as I left it.  What a relief, well except what my kitties got into!  That I can deal with!

Compared to the last couple of days, today was uneventful.  We came out of Buffalo, and got to Chicago on time.  We even had a few of our passengers who were on the flight on Wednesday.  What brave souls that family was!  Then we went to Nashville and back with no fan fare.  That's just the way I like it, uneventful and on time!  I think that you can ask any flight attendant and they would agree that they hate delays...

I would have to say that the hardest part of my trip was walking home in the slush and snow from the train stop.  I love Chicago, but not in the middle of the winter when I have drag my suitcase and tote bag through all of the slush and snow.

Before I forget.... Thank you for all of the kind words that everyone has been posting on my BLOG!  I am glad that so many people are enjoying my stories!  Your words of encouragement and delight in my stories really touches my heart, and inspires me as to why I have been a flight attendant for 5 years!


Anonymous said...

I think your journal is so interesting for me because I have such a fear of flying...and to hear you talking about it like it's an everyday sort of thing brings new light to flying...thanks.

Anonymous said...

hello, i very much enjoyed your journal.  i believe that as much i would look hot, i am going to stay out of your navy blue high heels and in my flip flops.  thank you for the good read.  i loved your pic and the ones of your kitties. have a good day and smile......the world needs it.  dave.