Thursday, January 20, 2005

Another case of the sniffles....

Delays, de-icing, MORE cancellations, blizzards and snow oh MY!  And to top it all off now, I have caught a cold.

Every week it seems like something else happens to us on this trip!  Is it too much to ask to have just ONE four day sequence go as it was scheduled?  I guess mother nature would disagree.

Tuesday started off hopeful, until we got on our airplane and my pilots discovered an issue that needed to be fixed.  It wasn't the knob this time, it was something else.  So of course we were delayed for over an hour.  They had cancelled our flight at first, and put everyone of our passengers on the next flight to MSP, but then reinstated our flight, even though we now had no passengers.  We get to MSP, and Eh! Steve (my captain) asked the agents for a heat cart for the airplane, because we didn't have a way to heat the plane on the ground.  They refused, so Eh! Steve refused to board the flight until we got heat.  So the agents put the 20 remaining passengers on the next flight that was now leaving at the same time that we were.  We went BACK to Chicago empty. 

We are now over an hour and a half behind schedule at this point, and just went to Minnie and back empty.  We had to go to Des Moines and back next, an hour and a half behind schedule.  We had about 50 passengers going to DSM.  Whom I must say, in spite of the circumstances, were rather delightful.  The agents had kept them informed as to where we were comming from, so they knew why we were late.  these guys were really great.  When we got to DSM, we were so late that they had put all of our passengers on the other plane that was leaving a few minutes before us.  We left DSM empty with no passengers. 

When we finally got to Chicago, it had started to snow, and was really windy.  I knew that it wasn't going to be quick and easy getting out of O'Hare going on to Buffalo.  We were already over an hour behind schedule, and with the weather a few of the passengers were kind of spooked.  I can understand why someone who doesn't travel very much can get leary of flying in an advancing snow storm. 

We were taking a long time to taxi because of all of the congestion, which made one of our passengers convinced that we should JUST GO BACK TO THE GATE, and try again tomorrow.  She rang her call button, and asked why it was taking so long to get off the ground.  When I went to answer her question honestly, that everyone was backed up, she kept interrupting me, and making comments about no thinking that it was a good idea that we go in the snow.  I had to walk away from her, because #1 I hate being interrupted, and #2 there was no talking any sense into her.  I was also starting to get a cold, and I honestly didn't have the patience to stand there, listening to her talk nonsense, because she was unwilling to listen to me.  Yes... I DO understand that not everyone flies as much as I do, and it's easy to become worried when there is alot of show comming down.  these are concerns that need to be adressed before you step on an airplane, not after we are almost to the runway.

We did make it to Buffalo Tuesday night, rather Wednesday morning at about 12:45am.  Which was about 2 hours and fifteen minutes behind schedule.  We were supposed to work the 2pm flight out Wednesday afternoon, but it cancelled.  Instead we deadheaded back to Chicago, and just went back to Des Moines for our nice 9 hour over night.  Yes we were LATE yet again, and I didn't get my beauty rest.  Which I really needed, especially with this cold that I am trying to deal with.  We had a late show time this morning. 

I feel bad for my passengers when things like that happens.  My company chooses to schedule us with only 9 hours on the ground, which is asking for trouble this time of year.  It leaves no room for weather delays.  We are required by the FAA to have a minimum of 8 hours rest.  That includes the time it takes to go to and from the hotel, clearing security, and getting dressed and showered.  You do the math...  With all of that, I am lucky to get a full 5 hours of sleep with reduced rest.  And I am responsible for people's safety.

I am now back in buffalo, minus, Cari and Eh! Steve.  They each had something to do so they dropped the last day of our trip.  I am flying with this new hire flight attendant who reminds me of myself when I first became a flight attendant.  She has been flying for only 2 months, and she is SOOOO excited about the job.  It's refreshing to see someone who is as passionate about what they do as I am.  I hope that she doesn't loose her passion, as she becomes more senior.  We fly back to Chicago tomorrow morning bright and early.  We then go to Nashville and back, and hopefully will be finished by noon!  YEA....  Then I can rest and recover from my COLD with my kitties!


Anonymous said...

Sorry the cold bug has got you down, here's hoping you feel better soon.  I am uploading you some Jewish penicillin (that's chicken soup)
All I can say, is it summer yet?  lol  

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I will be better once I can sleep in my own bed!

Anonymous said...

You have a tough job to start with, and trying to fight a cold doesn't make it any easier.  Hope you get some much-needed rest and get well soon.

Anonymous said...

you know how stupid it is that they dont think our job is a good enough reason to need the flu shot?!?! get well sweets... we picked up 3 new over nights this month maybe we will end up in one of the same cities some time soon!.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know that planes had Call Buttons.  Best thing to do in future is just act as if you didn't hear the Call Button pressed, just be oblivious to it, go on with your daily doings of whatever it is you do, passing out Trail Max baggies or trying to look sporty in your jean jacket or messing around with cell-phone cameras.

Anonymous said...

Honey, I am responsible for doing a whole lot more than passing out trail mix...  

BTW...  I don't care how it's anyone else thinks it's spelled, I am not changing GLAMOURUS!  

Anonymous said...

yeah... lets just hope senor "trail mix" never chokes on the already stated trail mix... heaven forbid he realize you are the one responsible for saving his life!