Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Say hello to my little friend... Mr. FAR 121

Ever wonder why airlines have all of those silly rules that noone wants to follow?  They are actually called Federal Avaition Regulations, which the government madates for safe flight operation.


Here are a few key ones that I found off of the www.faa.gov website.  Scheduled commercial carriers operate under FAR 121.  Charter airlines usually operate under FAR 135.  In general, certificate holder refers to the airline operating the flight.  Check out the website for the full list of part 121 FARs.  FAR 121 and 91 are what madates my duties.

Never thought it took so many rules to get a plane off of the ground did you?  And these ones are just a minute portion of the rest of FAR 121 in whole!


FAR 121.580 (see also 91.11) "No person may assault, threaten, or interfere with a crewmember in the perfomance of the crewmembers duties aboard the aircraft being operated."

FAR 121.291 "each certificate holder must conduct an actual demonstration of emergency evacuation procedures"

FAR 91.517  "no person may operate an airplane carrying passengers unless it is equipped with signs that are visible to passengers and flight attendants to notify them when smoking is prohibited and when safety belts must be fastened.
The signs must be so constructed that the crew can turn them on and off. They must be turned on during airplane movement on the surface, for each takeoff, for each landing, and when otherwise considered to be necessary by the pilot in command.

FAR 91.523  "No pilot in command of an airplane having a seating capacity of more than 19 passengers may permit a passenger to stowbaggage aboard that airplane except--
(a) In a suitable baggage or cargo storage compartment, or as provided in Sec. 91.525; or
(b) Under a passenger seat in such a way that it will not slide forward under crash impacts severe enough to induce the ultimate inertia forces specified in Sec. 25.561 (b)(3) of this chapter, or the reuirements of the regulations under which the airplane was type certificated. Restraining devices must also limit sideward motion of under-seat baggage and be designed to withstand crash impacts severe enough to induce sideward forces specifed in Sec. 25.561 (b)(3) of this chapter

FAR 91.533  "a) No person may operate an airplane unless at least the following number of flight attendants are on board the airplane:
(1) For airplanes having more than 19 but less than 51 passengers on board, one flight attendant.
(2) For airplanes having more than 50 but less than 101 passengers on board, two flight attendants.
(3) For airplanes having more than 100 passengers on board, two flight attendants plus one additional flight attendant for each unit (or part of a unit) of 50 passengers above 100.
(b) No person may serve as a flight attendant on an airplane when required by paragraph (a) of this section unless that person has demonstrated to the pilot in command familiarity with the necessary functions to be performed in an emergency or a situation requiring emergency evacuation and is capable of using the emergency equipment installed on that airplane


Anonymous said...

i've been enjoying reading your journal. and i also wanted to say, i just saw the picture posted of you on one of the entries, and i must say you're very attractive. hope you don't mind me reading this journal..

Anonymous said...

welcome to my fan club... Thanks for reading!

Anonymous said...

(a) No certificate holder may move an airplane on the surface, take off, or land when any food, beverage, or tableware furnished by the certificate holder is located at any passenger seat.

Very important that you make sure all food and items used to serve food have been cleared and disposed of properly and secured, there's no point in cutting corners or taking chances up there just to save time and take the easy way out.

Also, we're all still awaiting Traveling Tips Part 3, and a Safety Tips Part 1 entry in the coming days.

Anonymous said...

no really?  I didnt know that!  I have only been flying for 5 years now...  What do you think I did for 4 weeks in training, learn how to wear make up?  PULLLEASE!