Though I am not a pilot, I have been asked to give advice about becoming an airline pilot... I guess that makes sense because I work so closely with pilots, unlike a main line flight attendant Let's see how I do.
Sorry about your life as a Flight Attendant! I guess at least you are working at a job you love or do you?
Yes I do love my job. Though people need to realize that it is just that... A job, and is not glamorus by any means...
Im currenly a flight instructor (CFII) with a college degree along with my mechanics license (A & P) trying to get a job as a First Officer (FO) which so happens to make less than a nurse's aide at any hospital.
We all have to start out somewhere. You can't expect to start flying 747s with only 1000 hours total time. Most major airline pilots today are either from the military or came from a regional where they started off making very little money.
There's nothing that annoys me more than to fly with some 20 year old pilot who thinks that he's God's gift to aviation, and who thinks that they have TOO much tallent to be working at a mere regional airline.
Im sure you are familar with the slogan "SLAM CLICK IT?" Well, i am more than ready to "SLAM CLICK IT" on the career path of becoming a regional airline pilot.
I believe that the correct term used is: "Slam click, or that someone is a slam clicker" meaning that they do not associate with the rest of their crew on an over night. I have even been known to be a slam clicker.
Im not sure I want to live out of a suitcase and hotel room for the honor to say that I fly for a living. It's kind of like being a glorified truck driver in the sky. I know that the schedule/pay gets better over time. However, is the wait worth putting up with the B.S.?
If you are not sure that you want to live out of a suitcase and hotel rooms, then commerical aviation isn't the right career for you.
Like I have said earlier, everyone starts out with the BS, they all have to go thru it. Though I have found that the pilots who stick with it, are the ones who have a TRUE passion for flying... Not just looking for the big pay check that may never come. You have to have a passion for what you do in this industry.
I have several friends that are flying for such carriers as Air Wis, Mesaba, and Pennicale. They all say if they could do something different they would. I just wanted to see if you hear anything different out of your pilots?
The one's who are just looking for that mainline paycheck are the one's that are wishing that they were doing something else. My friends who have a passion for what they do, wish that things were better, but enjoy the flying.
Our industry isn't very solid right now. I have a dream of being an international flight attendant that may never be realised. It doesn't mean that I am throwing in the towel just yet, because I am not at a major airline.
You have to like what you do, and do it for yourself. If your friends are unhappy, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't persue YOUR dream of comercial aviation.
Anyway........ Good luck with you job!
Thanks, and the same to you...
Comment from cjav8er - 2/2/05 8:46 PM
1 comment:
*claps* good answers (sorry a lil silly tonight!) We would all love to go international, and right now it looks freakin near impossible but you know what.... the industry is almost at the point where it can only go up! keep your head up dear!
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