My crew this month is a riot. There are times that I think, I am getting paid to have this much fun?!?!? Having a cool crew that gets along makes life alot easier! The pilots that I am flying with this month have come to enjoy trying to make me laugh during boarding. It's hard to be serious and professional when you have your captain shaking a jar of jelly beans asking for a couple of jugs.
Jugs... Speaking of which, I made the mistake of telling my cockpit crew a story about a pen pal of mine who is from Australia. The first time that he had a layover in L.A. he and his crew went to a bar and asked the bartender for a couple of jugs. (I know that I am remembering this story wrong... sorry hon.) I guess in Aussie slang, a jug mean a pitcher of beer. I don't need to explain what jugs mean in US slang. I think that there are several magazines that are devoted solely to the subject. Well that just opened up a huge can of worms of ways for my cockpit crew to give me a hard time. Now whenever I ask them if they want anything from the galley, all that they want is my jugs... Of water that is!
Wednesday night, my first officer and I went to a pub, in White Plains, to have a beer or two. The bartender took a liking to myself, and gave us free pints the entire night. Now before you get your hopes up about my love life, let me paint a better picture for you. Sorry to say that missing teeth, and a huge pot belly don't do it for me.
Last week my captain had jelly bellies that he shared with everyone. It was a hit, and we had fun trying to figure out each flavor without the cheat sheet. The funny part came Thursday afternoon, when we met downstairs for the van. Each of us had a HUGE bag of jelly bellies. Great minds think alike. We all brought them out at the same time with a beaming, "Look what I bought!"
Times like these are the reason that I have been a flight attendant for five years. You can't be serious all of the time...
thats cute !!!! At least you have some fun, it makes everything worth it....I know I loved the people I worked with and still meet with them now at least twice a year even though we don't work together anymore. have a Great Day!!
heh... wonder where you got the lil FA thingie from! :-X enjoy...
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