Thursday, February 24, 2005


something wrong with my font selector----since you are in a beauty orientated profession you must suffer---
try an asian diet
Comment from
luk243 - 2/24/05 9:27 AM


Suffer? Suffer for what?  I take care of my appearance...  I admit that I didn't always, but I do now.  After almost 3 years of changing my eating habits, RATHER than trying some FAD diet, that does more harm than good yo-yoing.  DIETS dont work, healthy eating and good lifestyle choices DO!  I have lost over FIFTY pounds....  That's a small toddler that is no longer attached to my booty!

As far as being in a beauty oriented profession...  Has anyone been on a flight lately?  The days of hot pants and go-go boots are long gone.

Honestly people...  What do YOU think of when the word flight attendant comes to mind?  I want to know, because I think I am falling short to the expectations of the traveling public....  Please e-mail me with what YOU think a flight attendant should be, and I will post a compilation of your answers in about a week!  I will also post what a flight attendant REALLY is, to compare and contrast.  This should be fun...  Looking forward to your answers, GOOD, and bad.




Anonymous said...

ild like a FA who can save my choking 4 year old from a lodged pretzle... OH YEAH THATS RIGHT.. THATS WHAT FA'S GO THREW TRAINING FOR. psh and to think... I thought that part of class was optinonal! keep up the good work... lemme know some ofthe responce you get

Anonymous said...

I think a flight attendant should be a well trained professional who can cope with any problems that arise passenger wise in a flight. I don't think that they should be considered flying waitresses though it seems like a good many of the traveling public think they are.

These ladies and gentlemen are doing their jobs and the not so frequent flyers who haven't been on a flight since Coffee, Tea of Me days need to realize this.

A flight with a professional crew is a pleasure to be on, whether it's a 777 or a CRJ.


Anonymous said...

you are trained to make sure everyone follows rules to stay safe  and comfortable on the plane and to show us the safety precautions in case of an emergency. Also to try to make people as comfortable as possible for their trip.  What does that person think your on, a Miss America flight it is a profession not a contest, Even though I don't know where the suffering comes in you are very attractive ,not that it has anything to do with the job. I hope you don't take the mean things people say personally. Some people are just PLAIN MEAN........Enjoy your job and do it well that is all that matters.

Anonymous said...

A flight attendant should be a nice person that is professional and passes out endless amounts of soda and crackers, especially the little ones with the peanut butter already attached to them and it has the little orange plastic shovel in it, oh yummy.  You look fine, you don't need a diet or an asian diet, don't listen to mean people trying to bring you down.  Your appearance is fine, the optimality of your current hair length can be questioned, but your appearance is fine.  You should also put pillows in the microwave before bringing them to passengers, who wants a cold pillow - do you want a cold pillow ? I didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

Good job on losing over 50 pounds, you're more than half way there now, keep up the good work and the good eating habits, you seem like a nice airline employee in America.

Anonymous said...

First of all, congrats on losing the 50 lb. psuedo-toddler!  I am in bad need of following your example here LOL!  Second of all, you have your specific job duties that apply to the safety of the flight, comfort of [some more narcicistiic than others] passengers, etc.  You know your job, and I'm sure you do it well.  The greatest skill I'm sure you possess though is the ability to smile and walk away, or whatever action may be needed at the time, for those passengers who think their first (second, hundreth, etc.) trip in an airplane should rival that of a "Five Star Hotel in the Sky".  I am sure there are many times you've wanted to let the "Real You" be known to some of these passengers, but alas, were constrained by your job expectations.  Anyone who deals directly with the public [in a service capacity] will attest to this!  That said, the best flights I've ever been on were ones where there was little to no turbulance---you can't control that aspect of the flight.  So keep up the good work!