Thursday, November 13, 2003

I haven't seen London, but I've seen France... WELL sort of...

When I decided to go to Paris to visit a once close friend of mine...  I had no idea, that I would be spending 8 hours at the Charles De Gaull International Airport, because I got stood up!  You can go to and from Paris in a single day, and I proved it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just surfing .... too bad you stayed in the airport.

In 8 hours you can actually see parts of Paris & still leave in a day.  My wife & I once took the Chunnel Train from London to Paris, arriving about 10:30 a.m., walked to the Arc de Triomph & Eiffel Tower (~ 7 miles total), then took the Metro (subway) back to Gare du Nord (train station) by 5 or so.

Next time get a route map for the Metro & see a couple things!  It's an easy city to walk around in -- it seems crazy at first but the drivers are noticably politer than in London or especially Rome.