Monday, January 23, 2006

For the co-workers...

(my beliefs on the exsistance of God, are not reflected in this cartoon...)


"I found your BLOG!!" 

It's a common reaction that I have gotten from quite a few of my co-workers of the past year, since my blog has gained so much momentum.  I like writing about things that people can relate to, and sometimes learn from.  I am happy that there are so many of you out there who think that my crazy life is interesting enough to read about.

I think that I could write a whole book just about all of the people who I work with.  Of course my favorite will always be my best friend in the whole wide world, John Carlos.
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(Here he is fast asleep after working all night completing union and school work!)

If there ever was a time that I have been in trouble for something at work, chances are John Carlos was involved in some way.  The two of us are way too well known for going against the grain, all in the name of Unity...  John Carlos has a soap box permanently afixed to the bottom of his shoes.  John is passionate about everything that he is involved in, especially union work.  He has dragged me into some situations a few times.  Even with that, I wish that I had half of the motivation and drive that he does.  John literally will not rest until he gets the task at hand completed. 

I am only a month senior to John at our company, so I have known him the entire time I have been a flight attendant.  John and I have never worked on an airplane together for the simple fact that, I like my job and I do not want to lose my job.  The two of us stuck together on an airplane would be a recipe for disaster. 

When we lived together, we used to car pool to work.  At stop lights John was famous for either having a spastic episode looking like he had Torret's syndrome, or putting fake glasses on and asking the car next to us if they knew how to get to the airport.  Mind you we were in uniform!  I never seen people run so fast to get out of his way, when they caught a look at John spastic at the wheel!  The looks of bewilderment from motorists seeing a flight attendant ask for directions to the airport is also priceless.

He was also famous for stealing my business cards and passing them out to random strangers, hoping to score me a date.  If that wasn't bad enough, he would wait until I was riding along in the car to do it!  I think that one time he almost ran down a bicyclist in the process.  We didn't have extra money, so we had to be creative with our fun.  By the way, John doesn't drink either!  All of his antics are preformed under 100% sobriety. 

Don't think that I always let him get by with murder.  Being hard of hearing has been his downfall at times.  He takes his hearing aids out when he takes a shower, John has gotten pelted with icy water quite a few times.  That of course was in retaliation of him screaming at the top of his lungs, causing me to cut myself shaving in the bath.  Also when he is sleeping, he can't hear when I am snapping pictures like the one shown above.  That will teach him to try and flip my dress up in public.

When John Carlos and I talk about old times, we errupt into constant laughter.  We are in our own little world, where one word sentences are all that's needed to perpetuate side splitting laughs.  That I must say, is what true love is...

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