Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Picking Up Open Time...

Picking up 32 hours of extra time this month seemed like a good idea, untill I had to get up at 5:30am on my day off to start the trip on the 12th of May...

Not only did I have to get up early on a day off, but I had to work a three day trip on my least favourite airplane the EMBRAER. 

There are some of our flight attendants who prefer working alone.  They like having complete control and running their own show.  I am not one of those flight attendants.  I work better with someone else as part of a team.

The trip went ok, once I got used to flying on the EMB again.  It went thru Dallas the second day, so I was lucky enough to avoid the weather that Chicago was still having on Thursday.  Now I am back at home, and happy to be here, if only for a Sunday. 

My boyfriend wasn't thrilled that I was working six days in a row but he understands that the more that I work, that the more that I get paid.  He also knows that I love what I do.

Though I should have paid more attention to the callender when I was picking up trips. Not only did I pick up a trip an entire weekend trip, but it's also during Memorial Day Weekend.  I know that it's going to be a nightmare...


Anonymous said...

... I wonder why you don't like working alone ... easier to slack with help, I think ... but the responsiblity for everything all at once could grind you down ...

... oh, I expect replies ... esp. since you expect comment ... :)

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about working alone; it's very isolating in a lot of ways, because all these different things happen during the flight, and you can't really share them with anyone.  And trying to explain it and still have it be funny, or interesting, an hour later sitting at the gate...not so much.

I always had a lot more fun flying the 1900's (2 crew) over the Beech 99's (flown solo) for just that reason.  I guess I'd make a lousy trucker as well. :)