Thursday, December 16, 2004

From the kindness of strangers

Ok...  So not everyone that is on my airplane is a self-absorbed precious!  This story disproves all of my previous theories about passenger conduct...


What a pleasant surprise, a real human being was on my flight to Albany, NY last week!  I was boarding the flight just like everyother one, saying, "Hello, how are you?" and getting ignored for the most part like usual.  This nice couple steps on board, and stops right in front of me.  I say, "Hi, how are you?" to the woman.  She replys back to me, "Hi, I have something for you, let me get it before I forget! I always like to give something to my flight attendants during the holidays!"  And with that she pulls out of her sack, a box of hand made chocolates, just for ME!  I was so stunned by the act of kindness, that I was barely able to mumble a thank you. 

That simple act of kindness really made my day!  I shared a few of the chocolates with my pilots.  They were too yummy to keep them all to myself.  This only goes to prove what I have said a million times, that just when you think you have seen everything, someone goes and shocks the hell out of you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"why mr grinch, I do believe your heart has grown a whole size today"... lol when you dont pass a drug test you know where it came from... just kidding... yeah I have a new entry going up soon that only you and well other FA's wll be able to appreciate anyhow... have fun travels