AAhhhhhhhhhhh.... Vacation.... I am on vacation.
For the weekend of the fourth, I went with my boy friend to meet his parents up in northern Michigan. ROAD TRIP! It was relaxing not to have to deal with anything to do with an airport or plane. Fishing, walking, four-wheeling, star gazing, seems to agree with me.
On the 12th and 13th I will be in Dallas, doing union work. Union work is something that I really enjoy doing, so it doesn't feel like working to me...
On the 21st I will be going to Florida with my boy friend for the weekend for my 28th birthday! This will be his first expearience non-reving with me, so it should be interesting. He has used buddy passes before from a friend of his, so he assures me that he is an expert.
Then I finally have to go back to work on the 25th at 7am! OUCH!!! Des Moines and Atlanta here I come!!!!!!!!!!