Sunday, November 28, 2004

Around the East in 7days!

What's a girl to do when she suddenly finds her self single, yet again?  Road trip of course!  Ok well in my case it's gotta be a plane trip!


Last Saturday my best friend, John Carlos, called me during my much needed shopping therapy.  He wanted to see if I wanted to blow Dodge City, and come to Rochester, NY for the weekend, instead of moping around my apartment.  Well I didn't have a reason to stick around Chicago for the weekend, anymore.  So I rushed home, threw some stuff in my bag, and hopped on the next flight up to Rochester.  I have to admit that I am very proud to say that I made a new NON-REV record...  From my house to John's in 3 and a half hours!  When things go my way, membership definately has it's perks. 

Upon my arrival, John began to inform me of all the single straight guys that I would be introduced to whilst I was there.  John and I have always differed in our taste in men, but what did I have to lose?   Bartenders, soccer players, students, ect...  I don't think that there is anyone in the city of Rochester that John doesn't know!  John has always had a passion for telling everyone who wasn't of the homosexual persuasion about his best friend, Heather!  I think that my favourite was the bartender, on Saturday nite, at the bar downstairs from John's place.  In between my free shots, I got to stuff singles down his shirt... What red blooded American Girl wouldn't enjoy that?!?!

On Monday, John and I had planned on going to Chicago for our information picketing session at the airport.  We got on our flight to chicago almost too easy.  Just as we were getting ready to take off, the plane's deicing system failed, and we had to retrun to the gate.  The flight wound up cancelling, and we missed the whole picketing thing.  John was fit to be tied.  He was supposed to give this HUGE speach to the media. 

Instead of getting to go home and take care of some stuff before I had to go to RDU to see my family on Tuesday,  I had to figure out how I was going to get therenow!  It was the start of the holiday rush, and flights were full.  I think that I was about to have my record for the longest time to get from point A to point B!  I wound up having to take the very first out of Rochester, Tuesday morning, to ensure that I would be at the top of the stand-by list for my flight to RDU.  I had to wait 5 hours at O'Hare for my flight, after I got out of Rochester.  Even then I would have to wait for my mom to be able to pick me up from the airport.  I think all in all, it took me 12 hours to get from ROC to RDU.  My record for longest non-rev trip. Twelve hours...  It's takes less time to go to Paris!!!!!  Well at least I didn't have any trouble getting back to Chicago to my empty apartment, on friday!