I took these from my hotel room after a very short overnight in Minneapolis.
Click on the thumbnail of each image, to take a closer look.

I took these from my hotel room after a very short overnight in Minneapolis.
Click on the thumbnail of each image, to take a closer look.
Now that I have my new phone/camera/mp3 player, I thought that I could share some of the things that I see when I am on the road!
I took this picture in the parking lot at the Colorado Springs airport, while we waited for our hotel van to pick us up...
School’s out, summer is here and it’s only just begun…
It’s that time of year again… SUMMER! The time for once in a lifetime vacations and trips to see grandma. Everyone and their screaming kids seem to come out of the woodwork to fly on airplanes. Here are some of my favorites from my hall of shame.
Getting ready to go to Columbus, OH, I was walking up the isle closing overheadbins, and in the first overhead bin there was someone’s bag stuffed right in front of some of my emergency equipment. I pulled it out, and asked the frat boys, who were sitting in the front of the airplane, whose it was. They claimed the bag, so I asked them to PLEASE move it, because it was blocking emergency equipment.
When I go to walk away, they yell, “Thanks for being so friendly!!” I stopped dead in my tracks, and turned around and went back to were they were sitting.
I turned to them, and in my best bimbo, valley girl, voice I said, “Like OMIGOD, I am like SOOOOOOO sorry! It’s like my job to be here for you SAFETY, not like to pamper your preadolescent ego, like OKAY?”
They just stared at me, with mouths wide open, speechless. Mind you I had been in Cleveland a total of nine hours the night before, and I wasn’t about to take crap from some nineteen year old.
Coming back from Columbus, I had this mother and her two young children, both under the age of two traveling alone. She was really overwhelmed and had requested assistance when she got to Chicago. Another passenger had volunteered to help her on and off the plane with her, her kids and her car seat, but she needed help to her next flight which was with another airline.
Come to find out, when we got to Chicago, the only assistance available is wheelchair assistance. There was no one available to help her carry her car seat to her next gate for her. Upon learning this from the gate agents, she screams, “WELL… THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP I’M NEVER FLYING THIS AIRLINE AGAIN!!!!!” She then throws the car seat on top of her stroller, almost hitting her child in the head, and takes off, all the while refusing the offer of help from the other passenger who offered to help her.
What I want to know is, if she can’t handle a simple task, like getting fromone gate to another with her children, how does she get day to day things done, like grocery shopping, ect? Maybe some of you mothers might like to enlighten me on this?
The flags that once flew, as a display of our pride as a Nation, have all but disapeared. It's been less than five years since that day, and I think that we as Americans need a wake-up call.
There has been alot of talk in the media lately about the movie that immortilizes the last moments of the fourth hyjacked plane on September 11, 2001. People have stated that they don't want to be reminded of that tragic day. Some think that it's too soon. I feel that most Americans have already forgotten, and have slipped back into the same habits that they had on September 10, 2001. It's only been five years, and our Nation's selfish and self-serving attitudes are worse than they were before the attacks.
Everytime that I walk on an airplane, I am reminded of that day. Reinforced cockpit doors, having to take my shoes off to go through security, and many other things that have changed my life forever. I can't forget about 9-11, and the rest of the Nation shouldn't just sweep it under the carpet. Refusing to see the movie United 93 will not change the brutality and distruction of that really happened. This is a part of American history, that needs to be remembered.
The men and women on board United 93 sacrificed their lives, to keep another plane from killing even more people. What if the terrorists whould have succeeded? There is no telling just how much more devistation there would have been.
I am planning on seeing United 93 this weekend. I know that I will need to bring a box of tissues with me. But it comes down to the fact that my Union brothers and sisters were brutally murdered that day, and I owe it to them to hear their story.
What do the rest of you think?
I have been doing some contimplating lately about putting my essays to hard copy. Putting my best blog entries along with some never before posted ones, I wonder if there would be a market out there for my silly stories.
Any feed back good or bad?